Friday, November 20, 2015

TEDU 510 Module 3. Personalized Objective and Individual Activity

Main Page | 3D Printing in the Classroom

By: Matt Files


By the end of this course I will be able to report the ways that High Schools have previously and currently are implementing 3D Printing Technology.


“A once-shuttered warehouse is now a state-of-the art lab where new workers are mastering the 3D printing that has the potential to revolutionize the way we make almost everything.” – President Barak Obama (State of the Union Address 2013) 3D Printing is not a new form of technology by any means; it has existed in one form or another since the 1980’s. However the ability for high school Technology and Engineering programs to afford and implement this technology in their classrooms has only recently become common. In fact one manufacture of 3D printers, Makerbot, claims that it has its printers in over 5,000 schools nationwide. It is now common for most manufacturers to have an education division to sell and support their 3D printers. The purpose of this report is to outline how schools are using this rapidly growing technology to meet their curricular needs.

Believe it or not the Oxford dictionary now has a definition for 3D printing, it defines 3D printing as; The action or process of making a physical object from a three-dimensional digital model, typically by laying down many thin layers of a material in succession (3D Printing 2015)

Although not all 3D printers work the same, some use stereo lithography, some use powder and a binder and others heat and extrude material, all in order to build physical objects. The technology of 3D printing or Rapid Prototyping may be relatively new to the classroom however the fact is that this technology does not function without starting with a digital model, something that has been a part of Technology and Engineering classrooms for many years now. So one could imagine that the use and implementation of 3D printing in the classroom is simply adding another layer or step to processes and activities already in place.

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The Problem

Although there are currently many options available from 3D digital modeling in the classroom, some free, some costly, the transition from digital to physical is not as simple as plug in and print. Besides the expected learning curve associated with any new machine or piece of technology not all printers use the same software to create the models and not all work with the same file extensions. With these technological constraints aside, the real hurdle that can be challenging is the logistical aspect of how to incorporate a single expensive, relatively slow machine into a tool that an entire class can use for one given project. The answer seems to be to start small and simple.

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The Hardware

Today there are many options for 3D printing hardware, some geared towards the hobbyist, some towards industrial manufacturing, however most seem to have applications in education. Those companies that seem to be ahead of the others in regards to education include, Makerbot, 3D Systems, Stratays and Formlabs. These four companies not only have printers that fit expense wise into high school budgets, but all offer opportunities to use open source software and offer downloadable ready to print objects. Since its creation Makerbot has marketed itself towards the “maker” or “hacker” this conceptual marketing has transitioned well into education. Makerbot does two things the other companies do not, first they have an open source platform called the Thingiverse, a web platform that allows anyone to upload and download CAD files ready to print, second they offer a manual for educators called Makerbot in the Classroom, what it describes as an introduction to 3D printing, this book includes project ideas and methods for integration of 3D printing into curriculum.

The greater challenge when it comes to implementing the best fitting hardware, is when the needs and constraints of each individual classroom need to be considered. The different 3D printers available for education operate in different ways and at different levels. Some are slower than others, some produce stronger models than others, and some have better quality than others. The range of these qualities is mainly due to the differences in process each machine implements. For example printers manufactured by Formlabs use Sterolythography, a process that uses lasers to harden a medium in order to build a model, producing models quickly. On the other hand Makerbot’s printers use heated plastic extrusions, creating a stronger model at a much slower rate. However neither of these printers can match the quality of powder and binder process employed by 3D systems, however in this case both speed and strength are a trade off. So when it comes to creating models in a high school classroom activity the best fitting hardware will have to be chosen based on class size and time constraints along with the desired outcome.

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The Software

Another challenge Technology Education programs face when integrating new hardware into their curriculum is the logistical aspects of implementing software. With the cost of 3D Printers being a challenge for most high school programs adding in the cost of software to design and print objects can in some cases break the bank. Besides the cost, adding and supporting new software requires time and support staff which adds another dynamic to 3D printer implementation which can make a task like implementation and even bigger burden to classroom teachers. However, the open source nature of the 3D printing industry and specific manufacturers like Makerbot have led to a parallel development of free and open source software platforms. Software such as TinkerCAD and OPENSCAD are both examples of free downloadable software that can be used with most operating systems. Besides being free to download the programs are intuitive in nature and are geared towards education, offering options that make design to print simply for students and teachers to master. In addition to these two free software platforms, known industry names like Autodesk and Sketchup now offer free to education software that is geared specifically to 3D Printing and CNC milling. In fact Autodesk has recently made available Fusion360, a cloud based CAD platform that users can design models and simultaneously plan for 3D Printing or CNC machining that is free for education. Think of it as one stop shop for students to design and create 3D objects in relatively short order. So with free, cross operating system, cloud based, intuitive design software available the hurdle of implementing the software to support 3D printers in the classroom can be quite easy. This can turn what has been daunting task in the past into a relatively simple step for teachers to integrate model design and 3D printing into their curriculum.

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Classroom Integration

At Norwell High School, in Norwell Massachusetts, technology teacher Ross Kowalski has found a way to impalement 3D printing technology into a classroom activity he has taught for over a decade. “We simply replaced one process in our casting unit with 3D printing, this meant we did not have to re-invent the wheel.” (Kowalski, 2015) Ross teaches a unit in his Manufacturing class where students cast small objects in metal, typically students would carve small blocks of wax into objects like rings or medallions to later be sand cast in aluminum. When Norwell received a grant to purchase a 3D printer, ross saw the opportunity to update his casting unit by replacing the wax carving process with a 3D digital modeling exercise in which students could design their objects using Tinkercad and hen print the object the intended to cast. In the end the product was the same but the process in which students arrived at their final object was enhanced by the rapidness and accuracy of the 3D printer. By simply swapping one small part of a unit or project Ross easily enhanced and updated his curriculum with new technology without having to create a new project around the purchased 3D printer. (Kowalski, 2015)

Nearby at Hingham High School, in Hingham Massachusetts veteran technology teacher Robert Kenny was also faced with how to integrate his new Makerbot 3D Printer into his high school Technology Education elective course. Robert’s solution was similar to that of Kowalski at Norwell. In Roberts’s case he decide to use the 3D printer technology to enhance his CO2 Balsa wood Dragster unit. The unit that is popular at middle and high schools all over the United States is a project that studies aerodynamics and construction process, with students designing and building CO2 powered vehicles from pre purchased balsa wood blanks, wheels and axels. Before the introduction of the Hingham’s 3D printer students focused on designing and building the balsa wood dragster body guided by their study of aerodynamics. Rather than replacing on process in this project, like in Norwell, Robert decided to swap out one pre purchased part for a student designed 3D model. In this case Students now design wheels to accompany their dragster body using Autodesk123 software. The design constraints such as weight still apply to this new process, and add a new layer to the students design. “It may take more time to complete because we have added another step, but the students understanding of design constraints and aerodynamic properties is enhanced, now that they have to design and print their own wheels.” (Kenney 2015) Like Kowalski in Norwell, Kenney did not create a new project built around his Makerbot, but instead added a process to his already successful CO2 Dragster unit. However in this case rather than swapping an outdated technology for the new 3D printing technology, he simply incorporated it into the project. (Kenney 2015)

In addition to already integrated 3D Printing scenarios there are how to manuals available for high school Technology Education Teachers to draw inspiration from. One such publication is, 3D Printing in the Classroom: Recipes for Success. A book written by David D. Thornburg, Norma Thornburg and Sara Armstrong, on what 3D Printing technology is and how it can be integrated into classroom curriculum. The book provides examples of simple projects that incorporate 3D printed parts. Not only does the book explain the projects step by step, but it also offers links to Science and Math standards. One such project is a Fan Powered Car, where students can design using modeling software and 3D print chassis and fan blades to be powered by simple motors and battery packs. The step-by-step instructions and lists of materials make this a project that can be easily and affordably integrated in to almost and Technology education curriculum high schools already have in place. Resources like this manual can be implemented into modular curriculum easily by classroom teachers saving them time and energy in creating totally new units based around 3D printing Technology. (Thornburg, Thornburg, & Armstrong, 2014)

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Successfully integrating 3D printing technology into a high school classroom may seem like a daunting task, however it does not need to be so. With carefully weighted decisions into what the correct hardware and software are the best fit for a technology education curriculum the application of the technology can be simple. In lieu of creating new units or projects 3D printing technology can become a substitute for an outdated process or a new layer to a given project. However if teachers are to design new units or projects for their classroom references are available to make the curriculum integration easy. If proper research is conducted by a classroom teacher the possibilities are endless. No matter the application the format seems to be consistent, dream, design, print, and test. If teachers start small and simple, the classroom use of 3D Printing technology is not as daunting a task as it may seem.

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The State of the Union Address. (2013). Retrieved November 11th, 2015, from

3D Printing [Def. 1]. (n.d.). Merriam-Webster Online. In Oxford Dictionary. Retrieved November 11th, 2015, from

R. Kowalski, (personal communication November 4th 2015)

R. Kenney, (personal communication November 5th 2015)

Thornburg, D. D., Thornburg, N., & Armstrong, S. (2014) The Invent To Learn Guide to 3D Printing in the Classroom: Recipes for Success. Retrieved from

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